Tuesday 31 December 2013

When it comes to business, you need to know the right techniques of promoting your products or services online. Besides, you must be well-equipped with the best abilities to offer the best products/services to your customers. Conversely, being a competent business proprietor doesn’t really mean that you’ve to be efficient at marketing. Again, in spite of knowing the basic promotional tactics, it’s almost impossible to execute them for various reasons.  Nevertheless, you cannot allow your business to bear the brunt of being unaware of proper advertising strategies. Hence, as a responsible company owner, it’s crucial to stay alert to the current trends in the e-marketing field.

Digital marketing is a pretty vast concept; in fact, it’s an ever-evolving phenomenon that keeps developing or upgrading with time. As we usher in the year 2014, let’s take a quick look at how 2013 transformed the whole idea of e-marketing.

Online promotion and Google – The inextricable bond

Looking back at the changes that occurred in the last few years, online marketing definitely has a range of updates and upgrades to offer in 2014. In the year 2013, Google announced and rolled out over 500 algorithms and several data based upgrades.  Formerly, Google was just another member of the e-marketing family; however, today, it’s definitely the world’s largest search engine and unraveled a lot of improvement in the quality of search results.  Likewise, it’s important to know that other search engines and digital advertising channels started upgrading themselves, as effectively as Google. The idea of e-marketing services circulates around gaining maximum value out of internet opportunities. Simultaneously, it’s crucial to understand that the increasing aggression of the contenders requires you to remain up-to-date with the online marketing trends.

2013 Online marketing trends – A wrap-up review 

When it comes to social media and digital marketing, a year is quite a long time. The year 2013 was a roller coaster ride for all e-marketers, what with so many updates, changes and modifications. Innovative technologies took off, facilitating businesses, brands and agencies reach out to their clients more easily and efficiently than before. Here are a few popular trends that influenced the e-marketing field, in a substantial manner.

 SEO – More than mere key phrases

In September 2013, Google shifted all searches to HTTPs automatically and stopped providing website owners with keyword details; they also checked whether all search details are accurately encrypted. At the time of its introduction in October 20111, it just meant for signed-in Google users and affected only small portion of the searches (almost 10 perfect). Presently, all organic search details are concealed and PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is the lone source of keyword details access. According to experts, Google did this to either stop NSA from accessing private details or boost more ad sales. No matter what the reason, the task of e-marketers got a bit tricky and challenging. This basically means that SEO or search engine optimization is no longer based on keywords alone. Rather, it’s about reliable, high-quality content, together with focused and well-analyzed metrics.

It’s all about creative advertisements 

Lately, Pinterest introduced promoted pins and Instagram initiated sponsored images. Besides, Facebook also charges a payment for embedding advertisements in the form of a newsfeed narrative, hence targeting towards a higher engagement fee. Today, social media promotion is an engaging and non-intrusive part of the experience; the motive is to make sure that the visitors are not turned off by them. Forget about days when creating advertisements was just a matter of minutes. Today, marketers need to focus on every single aspect, creating visually attractive ads which are customized to specific social networks.

There’s more beyond Facebook 

From the starting phase of 2013, different universal surveys substantiated that Facebook lost its popularity as the no. 1 social networking website. Instead, Twitter overtook the leading position, followed by Facebook and Instagram. At present, Google Plus is the second biggest social networking platform, with over 350 million users. As Google associated the search engine ranking algorithm with Google Plus networking, engagement levels will certainly go up.  Hence, marketers cannot tread the easy route and limit their activities to Facebook. Instead, go global and try other networking platforms that are home to your target audience.

The power of content marketing 

There are picture sharing websites like Instagram and pin boards like Pinterest. Again, there came the micro video websites like Vine. However, one strategy that always remained popular is the content marketing. Presently, Linkedln has over 200 million users; with the inception of its influencer series, it’s quickly moving from a professional website to the planet’s biggest curate content source for thorough professionals. Besides, blogging platforms like Medium and Tumblr are meeting the various requirements of the readers. Again, there are personal blogs updated by business proprietors on their own. Hence, consider investing in professional writers or bloggers who have a taste of the niche. This way, it’ll be easier for you to get relevant and high quality contents, which make sense to your readers.

The big resolution

The New Year always ushers in a feel of motivation – both for your personal and professional life. It is at this point of time that many business proprietors and marketing professionals are re-shuffling their strategies and budget for the upcoming year. After all, this is a grand opportunity to try new marketing tactics and make this year a flourishing one. Whether it’s SEO or not, change is an inevitable part of life. The key to success lies in accepting it and marching forward with confidence. 

If you need any kind of help or suggestion regarding SEO, I will be highly obliged to help. Contact me amitkrr007@gmail.com


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